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Our Mission

To educate, encourage and empower veterans and their families through an attachment to the natural world. We help veterans find their tribe after leaving the military, not just a group of friends or family members you can talk to, but an always growing and developing community to contribute to. 


Supporting Our Mission

We achieve our mission through our three core pillars of support.

Direct Veteran Engagement

Wildlife Conservation & Education

Community & Tribe Building

Through direct engagement we bring veterans and their families together to build a community of support & understanding.


We organize multiple excursions with our veterans each year with am emphasis on a "small group, high impact" mindset.


Our direct engagement events are organized in a way that allows our guides, volunteers and veterans to establish meaningful connections that hopefully last a lifetime. 

We use nature to connect and heal those in our community; at Treehouse we understand that contributing to wildlife education and conservation efforts ensures these resources remain available for future generations. 


We partner with conservation organizations as well as drive internal programs to keep the world around us beautiful! 


“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

—Albert Einstein

Our veteran support community is overflowing with local organizations and opportunities; Treehouse seeks out partnerships and contribution efforts to improve the lives of veterans and their families in the area. 


From bike nights at your local American Legion post to connecting with local businesses that want to support veterans in the area Treehouse is always looking for ways to better serve our community. 


About Us

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation that relies on donations to make these mental health resources and trips available to our veterans.

If you are interested in becoming a Treehouse partner or making a monthly donation please visit our website or contact us for more information.

Please visit us again soon!

We will have more information on upcoming events, resources, and partner companies in the coming weeks.  

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